Lisa Evertsson Norrevik has worked as a Journalist and with Communication for many years and knows the value of good storytelling. And that wherever there has been humans there are stories. But if you want to hear stories about a specific place, there is no easy way to find them. That’s why she founded Storyspot.
Storyspot is an App for storytelling about places. Where you tell local and share global.
Without knowing how to write a line of code herself, she managed to develop a technical platform and build a business around it. Today her App Storyspot has won The Future Marketing Tech Award and Lisa has been selected as one of the Digital Talents of 2019.
“When starting a digital business the best way is to first build a prototype and test the idea to see if people understand it. Of this I had no idea. Neither did I have any idea of what Agile meant and why testing and iteration are the best way to spend less money whatever you want to do.
Boy, did we make mistakes in the beginning! (And now…) But the best thing with making mistakes is that you learn so much more from them than by doing the right thing all the time. Some of those learnings are what I want to share with you.
And when I learnt that the word Agile was not just something developers used to confuse me, but the way we were working in all areas of the company. And how you can use it to fail forward fast and learn.”